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Online Payments

This is the Preschool payment page.  On this page you will find permenant and temporary purchasing options that will allow you to process online payments.  Please keep in mind that all online processing fees will be added to the online purchase amount.

For those who would like to pay Preschool tuition online, you may use the button to the right to do so.  Since tuition amounts vary, this button will allow you to enter the amount of your choice.  Please remember that you are obligated to pay your full tuition each week.

Additionally, you will have the option to schedule or "subscribe," which means you can set an amount to be paid automatically each week if you so desire.

Preschool Tuition

Entered by customer

Preschool Tuition


Please Note: This process allows you to enter the amount of  your choice, so you may see something suggesting this is a "donation."  This is not a donation.  It is an actual payment for the student's tuition.


Conscious Discipline 
Social & Emotional Learning Workshop

The ESC will hold the conscious Discipline Social & Emotional Learning Workshop on August 6, 2024.  This two-day workshop has two parts; one for parents and one for educators.  The parent workshop is free.  For educators the workshop cost is:

$50 June, 2024 -

Parent Registration Form

Free: Tuesday, 8/6/2024
6:00pm - 8:00pm

Educators' Regsitration Form

Fee Information Above
Tuesday, 8/6/2024
8:00am - 3:00pm

Conscious Discipline Educator Registration 2024


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